

Suman Rai is a Singer in nepali typical songs, classical, folk & pop genres. His one of the most popular songs is ‘Aauna Maya’ he has recorded some nepali melodious songs, cover songs and planned to record more nepali songs soon. His upcoming song is nepali folk song ‘Sundariko Fatyo Choli’. He is a photographer also, capturing around 1000+ photography. He loves to publish blogs, take photos, make videos, and sketch. He is crazy about web design & development also.

Suman Rai – Singer

Suman Rai is a Classical/Folk Singer in Nepali Typical Songs, classical folk & pop songs. he recorded some melodious songs and cover songs and planned to record more nepali songs soon..
Suman Rai, Bhaktapur Nepal

Suman Rai – Photographer

Suman Rai is a Photographer, he loves to visit natural places and take natural photographs. he captured around 1000+ photography. he is interested in videography and making vlogs also.

Suman Rai – Blogger

Suman Rai is a Blogger and Web Developer also. he loves to write article, blog & video blogs. he designed personal, business, media & news portal websites. you can read his blogs and article in this websites.
Lord Buddha

Suman Rai – Artist

Suman Rai is a Artist also. he loves pencil sketch and painting. If he got free time and bored he starts to draw pictures, wooden/paper items and simple artistic statues .